February 13, 2025 ()

Men’s Club

This photo was captured from our Livestream video and not taken on Shabbat.

Congregation Etz Chaim’s Men’s Club is an affiliate of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs, which aims to fulfill the mission of “Involving Jewish Men in Jewish Life”.

Etz Chaim Men’s Club is an active and award-winning chapter with a strong and growing membership who participates in a range of activities that are planned throughout the year. The activities provide valuable services and functions for the congregation. These include participating in and supporting social events that involve other congregants, joint events with other local Men’s Clubs, the Sisterhood, and activities for couples and families alike. We continue to receive Quality Club Awards annually for programs like our joint Yom HaShoah Program with our neighbors the Catholic Church of St. Ann. This program is held each year, alternating locations, between Congregation Etz Chaim and St. Ann’s with seminars in an effort to educate our respective youth.

Each year to commemorate Yom HaShoah, we provide Yellow Candles to all members of Etz Chaim. We lead a Men’s Club Shabbat service, provide gifts to all B’nai Mitzvah, and our signature event of Steak and Scotch in the Sukkah. Our organization provides quality and pertinent programming to help develop and enhance our knowledge and understanding of Conservative Judaism, and provide needed service and help with fundraising for the synagogue. We offer a full calendar of events ranging from our famous Best Breakfast in Town with thought-provoking speakers and social action events, to tzedakah for our congregation. We maintain the Memorial Garden and Brick Program, providing a permanent remembrance for departed loved ones.

Members of the Men’s Club contribute to the daily minyan. We are lay leaders at the annual Men’s Club Retreat and sponsor and conduct the annual Men’s Club Shabbat. Annually we conduct the World Wide Wrap teaching our Hebrew School students to put on Tefillin.

To learn more, contact our President, Mathew Nathan or 1st VP President, Clifford Martin at .


Bob Goldman was a devoted member of Etz Chaim and of the Men’s Club. He was concerned with the continuity of Jewish values and was dedicated to the youth of our congregation. After his untimely passing, the Men’s Club established the Bob Goldman Scholarship Fund to perpetuate his memory and helping the youth of our congregation. Through this fund, the Men’s Club continue Bob’s work by providing the opportunity for our children to visit areas of Jewish interest, which is the ultimate Jewish educational experience. The Men’s Club believes that the continuity of our people, our history, our culture, and religion – our very existence as a people, depends upon our commitment to our children.

Steven Krodman was a devoted member of Congregation Etz Chaim, the Men’s Club and the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs. His life touched hundreds as an active member of Etz Chaim, as past president of Anshei Darom Region, and he  touched thousands through the myriad of FJMC activities he either led or was part of over the years.

Steve was concerned about the continuity of Jewish values, as well as involving Jewish men in Jewish life. After his untimely passing from ALS in early 2019, his family along with the Etz Chaim Men’s Club established the Steven Krodman Men’s Club Scholarship Fund to perpetuate his memory and goals. With the establishment of this fund, the Men’s Club will support Steve’s passion for one of his beloved activities, the annual Anshei Darom Retreat at Camp Ramah. The Men’s Club strongly believes the involvement of men at the annual retreat makes us a stronger community and offers an opportunity for those men unable to previously participate.

The intent of the Men’s Club is to help endow and seek contributions to the Steven Krodman Men’s Club Scholarship Fund. These funds will be used to provide scholarships to deserving men of our congregation who do not have the resources to attend the Annual Anshei Darom Retreat. The scope of the scholarship awards may change from time to time, with input from the Krodman Family and advice from the Men’s Club Leadership. The Scholarship Fund is needs-based.

A Memorial Garden incorporating artifacts from Treblinka and the Warsaw Ghetto was built at Congregation Etz Chaim in the 1990’s but had since fallen into disrepair. The Etz Chaim Men’s Club, believing that the Garden was a valuable educational resource as well as an ideal location for future Shoah-related programming, decided to “adopt” and renovate it. The Men’s Club continues to support the Garden with the Memorial Brick Program.

A personalized brick in the Memorial Garden is a beautiful, permanent way to remember a loved one. Bricks are engraved with the dedication of your choice and are not exclusively for those who perished in the Holocaust.

  • For a printable brick order form, click here.
  • To order your brick online, click here.
  • About Congregation Etz Chaim’s Holocaust and Memorial Garden, click here.

Men's Club Board, 2025-26

Mathew Nathan

1st Vice President
Clifford Martin

VP, Membership
John Chaifetz

VP, Engagement
Steve Caras

VP, Programming
Bart Agrow

Richard Millman

Recording Secretary
Chuck Bernstein

R. Bryan Coleman

  • Trivia with Men’s Club & Sisterhood - February 16, 2025, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
  • Men’s Club Anshei Darom Retreat - February 28, 2025, All Day
  • Men’s Club Anshei Darom Retreat - March 1, 2025, All Day
  • Men’s Club Anshei Darom Retreat - March 2, 2025, All Day
  • Braves Game with the Men’s Club - May 4, 2025, 7:10 pm - 11:00 pm

Upcoming Men's Club Events

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To sign up for an event, please go to our Calendar

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