Parashat Korach recounts the rebellion of Korach (a cousin ofMoses and Aaron), Dathan, Abiram, and 250 of their followers. Some rebels are swallowed by the [...]
Chukat (“Law Of”) opens by describing the process of burning the red heifer and using its ashes for purification. It also tells thestories of the [...]
Fast commemorating breaching of the walls of Jerusalem beforethe destruction of the Second Temple Torah: Exodus 32:11-14, 34:1-10
Fast commemorating breaching of the walls of Jerusalem beforethe destruction of the Second Temple Torah: Exodus 32:11-14, 34:1-10
Pinchas opens with God’s promise of a “covenant of peace” for the zealot Pinchas, followed by a census. The daughters of Tzelofchad request and receive [...]
Matot (“Tribes”) opens with laws about vows, and continues to describe the Israelites’ war against the Midianites and the allocation of spoils. The tribes of [...]