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Welcome to Etz Chaim's Yamim Noraim

A Message From Our Rabbi
At Congregation Etz Chaim, our mission is to Create Meaningful Jewish Experiences.  At no time do we find this mission to be more critical than during these times of pandemic.  We recognize in this new reality of increasing social isolation that feeling like you are a part of a strong Jewish community may be more important than ever.  
Hopefully, by now you have explored our website and seen the many ways to “plug in” to our virtual learning for people of all ages.  Over the past number of months our synagogue has successfully pivoted to our new, albeit temporary, reality.  We continue to be a full-service congregation with thriving schools, manifold opportunities for Jewish learning, as well as spiritual, prayerful experiences. 
With this in mind, I’d also like to invite you to attend our digital High Holy Day services this year.  We hope your coming together with our community in these challenging times will help you to recognize that you are not alone, and that the Jewish community of East Cobb stands ready to support you in these challenging times.
May we all be blessed with a Shana Tova U’Metuka, a sweet and healthy new year.
Rabbi Daniel Dorsch
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Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784